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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


allTables() - Method in interface ru.ewc.decita.input.ContentReader
Reads all the source data and returns the Locators collection, that can be used to initialize the ComputationContext.
allTables() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.input.PlainTextContentReader
AlwaysTrueCondition - Class in ru.ewc.decita.conditions
I represent a Condition that is always true.
AlwaysTrueCondition() - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.AlwaysTrueCondition
asDecisionTable() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.input.RawContent
Creates a DecisionTable from the raw contents.


baseCondition() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.UnaryCondition
Provides access to the base Condition.
BinaryCondition - Class in ru.ewc.decita.conditions
I represent a simple Condition using two Coordinates and some comparison operation.
BinaryCondition(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.BinaryCondition


check(ComputationContext) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Rule
Checks if this Rule is satisfied.
COMMANDS - Static variable in class ru.ewc.decita.manual.Shell
Set of predefined autocompletion options, contains all available commands.
compareTo(Coordinate) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Coordinate
comparisonFor() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.BinaryCondition
Creates a Matcher that corresponds to the given operation and Coordinate.
comparisonFor() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.EqualsCondition
comparisonFor() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.GreaterThanCondition
comparisonFor() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.LessThanCondition
ComputationContext - Class in ru.ewc.decita
I am the container for all the things, required for TruthTable evaluation.
ComputationContext(Locators) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.ComputationContext
Condition - Interface in ru.ewc.decita.conditions
I am an assertion made for two Coordinates.
CONSTANT - Static variable in class ru.ewc.decita.Locators
The constant Locator that can be used in the ComputationContext.
CONSTANT_VALUES - Static variable in interface ru.ewc.decita.Locator
Name for computed values Locator.
ConstantLocator - Class in ru.ewc.decita
I am a concrete Locator responsible for finding (creating instances of) Constant Fragments.
ConstantLocator() - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.ConstantLocator
ContentReader - Interface in ru.ewc.decita.input
I am the interface for all the source data Readers.
Coordinate - Class in ru.ewc.decita
I am a simple data structure describing the position of the required value.
Coordinate(String, String) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.Coordinate
currentState() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.manual.ManualComputation
Converts yaml data read from input stream to a correct InMemoryStorage object.


decideFor(String) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.manual.ManualComputation
Computes the decision for a specified table.
decisionFor(String) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.ComputationContext
Computes the specified DecisionTable result as a Dictionary.
decisionFor(String, Locators) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.DecitaFacade
Decides on the outcome of the table with the given name.
DecisionTable - Class in ru.ewc.decita
I am a collection of Rules used to compute any kind of decision.
DecisionTable(Iterable<Rule>) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.DecisionTable
DecisionTable(Iterable<Rule>, Rule) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.DecisionTable
DecitaException - Exception in ru.ewc.decita
I am the exception to use in all the failures inside the Decita library.
DecitaException(String) - Constructor for exception ru.ewc.decita.DecitaException
DecitaFacade - Class in ru.ewc.decita
I am the facade for the Decita library.
DecitaFacade(Supplier<Locators>) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.DecitaFacade
DecitaFacade(Supplier<Locators>, Locators) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.DecitaFacade


EMPTY - Static variable in class ru.ewc.decita.Locators
The empty set of predefined Locators that should be used to get data from a system.
EqualsCondition - Class in ru.ewc.decita.conditions
I am a specific Condition that checks if my right part exactly equals my left one.
EqualsCondition(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.EqualsCondition
evaluate(ComputationContext) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.BinaryCondition
evaluate(ComputationContext) - Method in interface ru.ewc.decita.conditions.Condition
Evaluates all the parts of the Condition and provides the result of that evaluation.
evaluate(ComputationContext) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.NotCondition


fragmentBy(String, ComputationContext) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.ConstantLocator
fragmentBy(String, ComputationContext) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.DecisionTable
fragmentBy(String, ComputationContext) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.InMemoryStorage
fragmentBy(String, ComputationContext) - Method in interface ru.ewc.decita.Locator
Determines the system's state - the value of a single property, described by its name.


GreaterThanCondition - Class in ru.ewc.decita.conditions
I am a simple condition that checks if the left-side value is greater than the right-side value.
GreaterThanCondition(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.GreaterThanCondition


InMemoryStorage - Class in ru.ewc.decita
I am a simple in-memory key-value storage.
InMemoryStorage(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.InMemoryStorage
isComputed() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Coordinate
Tests if Coordinate is already computed, i.e.
isComputed() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Rule
Checks whether this rule is computed, i.e.
isEliminated() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Rule
Checks whether this rule is not satisfied (i.e.
isEvaluated() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.BinaryCondition
isEvaluated() - Method in interface ru.ewc.decita.conditions.Condition
Checks if all the parts of the Condition are resolved and point to the constant values.
isEvaluated() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.NotCondition
isNotSatisfied() - Method in interface ru.ewc.decita.conditions.Condition
Checks if this Condition resolves to false, meaning it is not satisfied.
isSatisfied() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.BinaryCondition
isSatisfied() - Method in interface ru.ewc.decita.conditions.Condition
Checks if this Condition resolves to true.
isSatisfied() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.NotCondition
isSatisfied() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Rule
Checks whether this rule is satisfied (i.e.


LessThanCondition - Class in ru.ewc.decita.conditions
I am a simple condition that checks if the left-side value is less than the right-side value.
LessThanCondition(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.LessThanCondition
locateIn(ComputationContext) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Coordinate
Locates the required value in the provided ComputationContext.
Locator - Interface in ru.ewc.decita
I am the Locator service.
locatorFor(String) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Locators
Returns a concrete Locator if it's found in an instance storage.
Locators - Class in ru.ewc.decita
I am the collection of Locators used to populate the ComputationContexts.
Locators(Map<String, Locator>) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.Locators


main(String[]) - Static method in class ru.ewc.decita.manual.Shell
The method to run a simplified manual testing utility.
ManualComputation - Class in ru.ewc.decita.manual
I am a unique instance of a DecisionTable computation.
ManualComputation() - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.manual.ManualComputation
Default Ctor.
mergedWith(Locators) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Locators


names() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Locators
NotCondition - Class in ru.ewc.decita.conditions
I represent a negation, i.e.
NotCondition(Condition) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.NotCondition
NUMBER_REGEXP - Static variable in class ru.ewc.decita.Coordinate
A regular expression for a number.


outcome() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Rule
Returns this rule outcomes.
outcome(ComputationContext) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.DecisionTable
outcome(ComputationContext) - Method in interface ru.ewc.decita.Locator
Computes this table's outcomes by checking all of its Rules.


PlainTextContentReader - Class in ru.ewc.decita.input
I am the specific ContentReader that knows how to read CSV-files.
PlainTextContentReader(URI, String, String) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.input.PlainTextContentReader
Ctor with specified delimiter.


RawContent - Class in ru.ewc.decita.input
I am the unified source for building DecisionTables.
RawContent(String[][], String[][], String) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.input.RawContent
rightPart() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.BinaryCondition
Returns the right part of this Condition.
ru.ewc.decita - package ru.ewc.decita
Root package for all the engine's classes.
ru.ewc.decita.conditions - package ru.ewc.decita.conditions
The package for all the Conditions-related classes, especially for the different types of conditions.
ru.ewc.decita.input - package ru.ewc.decita.input
All the input mechanisms reside here.
ru.ewc.decita.manual - package ru.ewc.decita.manual
The package for testing utilities.
Rule - Class in ru.ewc.decita
I am a single Rule (i.e.
Rule() - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.Rule


Shell - Class in ru.ewc.decita.manual
I am the shell for manual library testing.
statePath(String) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.manual.ManualComputation
Creates a copy of this instance with a new path to state yaml.


tableName() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.input.RawContent
Answers the table name.
tablePath(String) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.manual.ManualComputation
Creates a copy of this instance with a new path to tables folder.
tablesAsLocators() - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.manual.ManualComputation
Reads all the tables from disk in a format suitable to construct ComputationContext.
TRUE - Static variable in class ru.ewc.decita.Coordinate
A constant value Coordinate that points to the "true" value.


UnaryCondition - Class in ru.ewc.decita.conditions
I represent an unary Condition that adds some checks to the provided base Condition.
UnaryCondition(Condition) - Constructor for class ru.ewc.decita.conditions.UnaryCondition
uriFrom(String) - Static method in class ru.ewc.decita.manual.ManualComputation
Converts a string representation of the file system path to a correct URI.


valueFor(String, String) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.ComputationContext
Finds a Coordinate's value using internal set of Locator's.


withCondition(Condition) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Rule
Adds a Condition to this rule.
withOutcome(String, String) - Method in class ru.ewc.decita.Rule
Adds an outcome to this rule.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form